
Eminem: “River” video e testo del brano con Ed Sheeran

Eminem il famoso rapper americano con il suo nono album e terzo singolo estratto”River” co-scritto ed accompagnato dal noto artista Ed Sheeran, oggi rende disponibile anche il video ufficiale del brano .

Eminem con il nuovo singolo Revival“a quasi due mesi dall’uscita del nuovo album, puo dichiarare apertamente di aver ottenuto un ottimo risultato, dove le vendite nel nostro paese sono state molto soddisfacenti così come nel resto d’Europa tanto che man mano si è rinforzata l’ipotesi di un possibile “Revival Tour” nei paese europei. Come sapete, il Revival Tour toccherà infatti anche l’Italia il 7 luglio a Milano presso l’Area EXPO. Il nuovo album di Eminem ha riscosso parecchio successo tra i fan italiani, a tal punto che il terzo singolo estratto, “River“, in collaborazione con Ed Sheeran  ha ricevuto in italia la certificazione di disco d’oro.


Revival è il titolo del nono album della carriera di Eminem il celeberrimo rapper originario di Detroit. Il disco uscito il 15 dicembre, sotto etichetta Universal Music. Revival, prodotto con Rick Rubin, Dr Dre e Walid Remal, è come possiamo intuire dalla sua suggestiva copertina,un disco ricco di riferimenti politici e di denuncie. Eminem, infatti, non è esattamente un fan dell’attuale presidente Donald Trump, che ha criticato in tantissime occasioni.

Ecco il Video ufficiale del singolo di EminemRiver” in collaborazione con Ed Sheeran :


Ecco il testo del brano di Eminem feat Ed Sheeran “River”:

I’ve been a liar, been a thief
Been a lover, been a cheat
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me
Well, little one, I don’t want to admit to something
If all it’s gonna cause is pain
Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain
So let the river run

He’s comin’ home with his neck scratched, to catch flack
Sweat jackets and dress slacks, mismatched
On his breath’s Jack, he’s a sex addict
And she just wants to exact revenge and get back
It’s a chess match, she’s on his back like a jet-pack
She’s kept track of all his Internet chats
And guess who just happens to be movin’ on to the next
Actually, just shit on my last chick and she has what my ex lacks
‘Cause she loves danger, psychopath
And you don’t fuck with no man’s girl, even I know that
But she’s devised some plan to stab him in the back
Knife in hand, says their relationship’s hangin’ by a strand
So she’s been on the web lately
Says maybe she’ll be my Gwen Stacy, to spite her man
And I know she’s using me to try to play him, I don’t care
Hi Suzanne, but I shoulda said “Bye Suzanne”
After the first night, but tonight I am

I’ve been a liar, been a thief
Been a lover, been a cheat
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me
Well, little one, I don’t want to admit to something
If all it’s gonna cause is pain
The truth and my lies now are falling like the rain
So let the river run

One-night stand, turned to a two-night stand
It was “come sunlight, scram,” now we hug tight, and…

He found out, now she feels deserted and used
‘Cause he left, so what? He did it first to her too
Now how am I supposed to tell this girl that we’re through?
It’s hard to find the words, I’m aloof, nervous, and Sue
Don’t want this to hurt, but what you deserve is the truth
Don’t take it personal, I just can’t say this in person to you
So I revert to the studio, like hole-in-the-wall diners
Don’t have to be reserved in a booth
I just feel like the person who I’m turning into’s
Irreversible, I preyed on you like it’s church at the pew
And now that I got you I don’t want you
Took advantage in my thirst to pursue
Why do I do this dirt that I do?
Get on my soapbox and preach, my sermon and speech
Detergent and bleach is burnin’ the wound
‘Cause now with her in the womb
We can’t bring her in this world, shoulda knew
To use protection ‘fore I bit into your forbidden fruit

I’ve been a liar, been a thief
Been a lover, been a cheat
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me
Well, little one, I don’t want to admit to something
If all it’s gonna cause is pain
The truth and my lies now are falling like the rain
So let the river run

My name’s (ooh), my name’s (ooh)
River (ooh), river run
Call me (ooh), call me (ooh)
River (ooh), we’ll let the river run

Always the bridesmaid, never “The bride, hey!”
Fuck can I say? If life was a highway
And deceit was an enclave, I’d be swerving in five lanes
Speeds at a high rate, like I’m slidin’ on ice, maybe
That’s why I may have came at you sideways
I can’t keep my lies straight
But I made you terminate my baby
This love triangle left us in a wreck, tangled
What else can I say? It was fun for a while
Bet I really woulda loved your smile
Didn’t really wanna abort, but fuck it
What’s one more lie, to tell our unborn child?

I’ve been a liar, been a thief
Been a lover, been a cheat
All my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me
Well, little one (I’m sorry)
I don’t want to admit to something (I fucked up)
If all it’s gonna cause is pain
The truth and my lies now are falling like the rain
So let the river run

Per altri articoli e novità clicca pure qui.

Francesco Volpe

Nato il 24/10/1991 a Vico Equense in provincia di Napoli, ha seguito gli studi Tecnico Alberghiero Ristorativi affermandosi poi come Sommelier professionista e lavorando sul campo. Ha sempre mostrato un grande interesse verso il mondo della musica e della scrittura, cercando sempre di rispettarla e comprenderla. " Penso continuamente al fatto di ricordare momenti della mia vita attraverso la musica e profumi, e non attraverso dei numeri, penso sia bellissimo"

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